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Industries We Cover

Delware Consulting understands that to help meet client challenges and opportunities successfully in a global economy

Banking & Financial Services

Opportunities while benefiting those with out access to financial services

Capital & Infrastructure

Specialized capabilities to help clients face the challenges of today.

Advanced Electronics

Significant value by providing security solutions across industry verticals.

Travel, Transport & Logistics

Managing overcrowding in tourism destinations to help clients.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Challenges in healthcare lead to need for new products and solutions

Advanced Electronics

Electricity demand more could be the potential for increased revenue sales
90 +
Countries Served
12 k +
Consultants Worldwide
72 +
Rewards and Accolades
20 +
Years in consulting

About Delaware

Since 2000, we provide best service for our valuable clients.

We are a global management consulting firm that serves a private, public and social business sectors . We help our clients make significant and and realize their most important goals. Our world is an inflection point, with technology transforming our clients, our profession, and society at large.

Delaware is one of the world’s best business consulting firms. We help global leaders with their organization’s most critical issues and opportunities. Experience right to your home or office. Our design professionals are the products and work best for our valuable customers.

Mission & Values

Denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete account of the system.

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How we work

Almost 4,000 projects for Public Sectors, international and governments and public sector bodies.

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Services We Provide

Delware Consulting understands that to help meet client challenges and
opportunities successfully in a global economy

Banking & Financial Services

Opportunities while benefiting those with out access to financial services

Capital & Infrastructure

Specialized capabilities to help clients face the challenges of today.

Advanced Electronics

Significant value by providing security solutions across industry verticals.

Travel, Transport & Logistics

Managing overcrowding in tourism destinations to help clients.

Healthcare & Life Sciences

Challenges in healthcare lead to need for new products and solutions

Advanced Electronics

Electricity demand more could be the potential for increased revenue sales


Get our latest thinking on the biggest opportunities and most challenging
issues facing managers today.

PT Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia Melalui Yayasan Amanah Takaful (YAT) Gelar Layanan Kesehatan Gratis Untuk Masyarakat di Pandeglang

PT. Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia yang telah bekerja sama dengan Yayasan Amanah Takaful (YAT) sukses menggelar program layanan kesehatan gratis dalam rangkaian kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan selama dua hari, yakni pada Sabtu, 14 Desember 2024 di Kampung Cikiray, Desa Karyasari, Kecamatan Cikedal, dan Minggu 15 Desember…
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PT Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia, perusahaan asuransi berbasis syariah, membuka kesempatan karier bagi para profesional muda yang dinamis dan memiliki integritas tinggi untuk bergabung dalam tim kami. Saat ini, kami membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk menempati posisi : 1. Staf Marketing Support Persyaratan : Pria Pendidikan minimal D3/S1 Jurusan Manajemen, Ekonomi,…
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PT. Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia (Asyki) kembali menggelar kegiatan Seminar Literasi & Inklusi Keuangan Syariah

PT. Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia (Asyki) kembali menggelar kegiatan Seminar Literasi & Inklusi Keuangan Syariah yang bertajuk “Perencanaan Keuangan Keluarga Sebagai Solusi Mewujudkan Impian Buah Hati Melalui Program MUAWANAH PENDIDIKAN”. Kegiatan tersebut dilaksanakan pada tanggal 30 September 2024 di Tazkia Internasional Program Hall – Institut Agama Islam (IAI) TAZKIA, Sentul…
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PT. Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia (Asyki) berhasil menempati posisi kedua daftar The Sharia Life Insurance untuk kelompok Full fledged pada ajang Insurance Award tahun 2024

Assalamualaikum, Alhamdulillah PT. Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia (Asyki) berhasil menempati posisi kedua daftar The Sharia Life Insurance untuk kelompok Full fledged pada ajang Insurance Award tahun 2024 yang diselenggarakan oleh Media Asuransi pada tanggal 1 Oktober 2024 di Jakarta. Penghargaan ini menjadi bukti bahwa secara kinerja Asyki terus ada peningkatan…
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Asyki kembali mendapatkan “pengesahan dan rekomendasi” Sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 dari Badan Sertifikasi BSI Group Indonesia

Dalam rangka meningkatkan layanan dan kredibilitas mutu perusahaan, PT. Asuransi Syariah Keluarga Indonesia (Asyki) terus berkomitmen dalam menerapkan sistem manajemen mutu yang berbasis standar internasional yaitu ISO 9001:2015. Alhamdulillah, pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2024, melalui Survaillance Audit, Asyki kembali mendapatkan “pengesahan dan rekomendasi” Sertifikasi ISO 9001:2015 dari Badan Sertifikasi BSI…
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